Sunday, August 24, 2008

He's Back!!!! L.E. Fant has news for you.

L.E. just finished reading this book. It is a chilling read.
If you wonder why our economy is in doldrums, if you wonder why our Dollar is now a feeble currency. If you wonder why our standard of living has steadily deteriorated over the past years. If you wonder why Iraq is in such a mess. If you wonder why Hugo Chavez is an extremely popular leader in Venezuela. If you wonder why South Africa's indigenous people are worse off after years of ANC rule. You need to read this book. If you wonder why Lockheed Martin draws our Social Security checks, or why huge unemployment is necessary (to Friedmanites) way of economic life, read this book.
If you wonder why much of the world does not see us as generous benefactors, read this book.
If you wonder which traits and beliefs Bush G.W., Chaney and Rumsfeld share-read this book.
If you are a party line Republican or a disenchanted Democrat. If you are not really sure that McCain is your best choice. If you are not sure of Obama or Biden (who apparently wholly supported the credit card corporations' driven changes to our bankruptcy act which enslaves consumers, in L.E.'s view, read this book. Remember votes need to be earned by each individual nominee.
The author fully documents sources and quotations-no "black helicopter" stuff here.
If you have heard of the "New Deal," Keynes, Friedman or the "Chicago Boys" you will find this book riveting.

Ralph Nader at a recent Las Vegas Press Conference/ Lunch. Thank him for car safety standards. Thank him for the Clean Water Act. Thank him for continuing to care for our well being and for his attempts to wean our governments from corporate dominance (another reason to read Klein's magnificent book).

It is time that you take notice. It is time that you get involved.

L.E. (or his alter ego) is going to Denver next week and Minneapolis the week after to attend rallies in an effort to open the Presidential Debates which is an effort to save our democracy from absolute corporate control.

He will keep you posted. Should you want to get involved in saving us and our democracy. If you are tired of the status quo:

P.S. RV and Boat at bargain price-be quick: