Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday, Sunday

Today, L.E.Fant desired a hamburger for his lunch. However, after watching the movie Fast Food Nation he has decided to remove the Russian Roulette when buying processed ground meat-or burgers from any chain.

Therefore, L.E. Fant purchased a slab of chuck steak, removed any sinew parts and most of the fat, ground the meat and formed burgers. He result was a tasty burger using meat which was not adulterated with preservatives or any other nasty stuff (see: the movie).

The cost to do so was not excessive. The time to do so was not excessive. The result was delicious, likely safer and more nutritious and the method is recommended to all.

View of a portion of Stonehenge taken early on a misty morning a few weeks ago. This is very, very old. This has very interesting history. This is clearly a feat of human(?) endeavor.

Whereas, the demise of the Frontier (new or not) is of little consequence (other than to its new owners) in the greater scheme of things.

1 comment:

SRW said...

What is the consequence of Stone Henge? Also, how do you know of what significance anything today will have when amplified by whatever comes in the next few thousand years (whether or not it physically remains)?

"...there are episodes far better than the play..."