Monday, March 24, 2008

Las Vegas Doctors? Las Vegas Gas Prices.

L.E. in contemplative stance.
Another electric car for Las Vegas? As gas prices escalate electric vehicles become serious contenders for places on our Las Vegas roads.
Subaru is testing a small electric vehicle for possible sale here in Las Vegas within a couple of years. It is anticipated that the car will go fifty miles on a charge and the vehicle has a “fast charge” feature which will charge the car’s batteries in a few minutes.
L.E. looks forward to this vehicle being available here in Las Vegas soon.

All Las Vegas residents are aware and hopefully horrified regarding the ongoing investigation where a number of clinics re-used vials and other injection paraphernalia to save pennies while jeopardizing the health of their patient victims. L.E. hope our D.A.’s investigation results in criminal charges being brought against the so-called professionals who allegedly perpetrated these acts. L.E. believes there is other malpractice occurring.
L.E. was recently became aware of a debilitating health condition which initially became evident (or a red flag was apparent) a year or so ago. He believes that had his doctor taken note of this warning, further and frequent tests may have reduced or eliminated damage to L.E.’s organs. Instead no such tests were performed until two weeks or so ago (despite warning symptoms appearing a year ago) and the condition has worsened, whereas treatment at an earlier stage may, and very likely would have, reduced and/or delayed the apparent damage. L.E. realizes that many physicians have heavy case loads yet cannot find this an excuse for care which is below the "reasonable doctor" standard.
L.E. will be changing doctors and urges all Las Vegas residents to do their best to oversee their health care and not place (or in L.E.’s case misplace) total reliance upon their physician to act according their patients best interests.

Today’s poll relates to this experience and is to gather other opinions.
Yesterday as L.E. and wife were driving around we noticed gas prices were up a few more cents. We decided to top off the tank of our favorite gas hog at our local Chevron which had gas four cents lower than many. Despite this approximately (from the gauge) half a tank cost us $50 even.

Expect another fabulous L.E. Fant tested Las Vegas Recipe in the next day or so and a solar update.

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