Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Las Vegas Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas limes, Las Vegas Medical Care, Las Vegas Real Estate.

Click on images to enlarge if you desire. Larger than life well describes Las Vegas as it does Louie.
L.E.'s Las Vegas cactus flowers, the first in four years or more.

L.E.'s lime tree looks like it may provide limes,
the first fruit ever from this four year old tree.
Airport pickup made without incident:
L.E. took a friend’s advice and when arriving at the airport to pick up his wife he parked in the short term area rather than make a curbside pickup.
L.E. ponders whether this constitutes an act of cowardice or is an accepted convenience of the world in which we choose to live. L.E. has long concluded that if no person tells obvious wrong doers that they are wrongdoers then the wrong doing perpetuates into accepted behavior (yet still wrong behavior by normally accepted behavioral standards).
Where this involves government employees an even greater danger becomes us. Remember “Watergate?” Remember “Waterboarding?” Remember “Weapons of Mass Destruction?”L.E. believes that we should be ever vigilant that we do not unduly lean towards fascism. [Webster: “…A system of government characterized by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism and racism, militarism, etc.”] in our allowance/tolerance of overly zealous seemingly wrongful government actions when waging our crusade known as “The War on Terror”

L.E. Fant's Prescription Eyeglasses, possibly a huge bargain, are en-route.
L.E.’s new prescription eyeglasses are on their way priority mail! He is exited and will provide his review as soon as he is able.
Gasoline prices in Las Vegas Plummet!!
L.E. Fant was surprised to find gas cost two pennies less per gallon on Sunday when he filled the behemoth yet again.

Move On to Possibly Greener Pastures?

The weekend’s F.T pointed out a remarkable real property find for L.E.’s perusal. A new two bedroom apartment on St Lucia (apparently far less developed, and all the better for it, than neighboring Barbados) yet priced at a mere $450,000, and up. L.E. imagines that one will need to catch and sell many fish, or sell many, many coconuts to keep up with payment on such a mortgage. Is there oil on St. Lucia? How do the locals manage? Maybe they unfortunately rely upon tourism and avaricious development to create wealth for some as does Las Vegas?
Should you desire to make further enquiries: Doubloon Real Estate (Really that is the name) may be called on +1 758-458-0790.


SRW said...

I demand that my comment be posted!

SRW said...

Come on Fant, the people want to hear what I have to say. Authorize authorize!