Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Las Vegas Motels, Las Vegas Nellis AFB, A10

Can anyone interpret this writing?
Warthog A10 on display at Nellis AFB

View of downtown Las Vegas from Eastern/ Fremont

At last a call and an appointment. The appointment is not for over one week however, as apparently L.E.'s condition is not of great concern.
F.T. reports that: "The Donald" [Trump] plans to build a couple of golf courses and a mega resort near Aberdeen, Scotland. locals are not necessarily pleased as many enjoy their virgin landscapes as they now exist.
Today L.E. paid the first "high" bill of the season. This bill was over double that of the past few months' bills and is a harbinger of things to come as we enjoy our summer temperatures.
In a fit of green L.E. signed up for the Coolshare program which cycles off one's A/C during peak periods. The hope is to not overstress our capacity and avert brownouts. We shall see.
Yesterday evening L.E. Fant and wife were at their local 99 Cent Only Store where, as usual, they picked up many useless articles because they appeared to be a bargain. Such articles will strain the Fant's home storage availability until a clean out removes them.
L.E. amazed himself when he could not resist buying a small dry erase board with pen, which he knew he will never use, because it appeared great value and of great potential.
He did manage to resist buying a solar calculator which was designed to fit within a three ring binder and was guided away from the tempation of a Blue Bunny drumstick type icecream for a mere 59 cents.
However, there were available bare root rose plants for 99cents each. Unable to resist this blatently apparent bargain a substantial number were purchased.
In the light of a new day L.E. wonders where they may be utilized. His first thought of replacing dead Pyracanthas with roses now seems a bad idea (that idea was the justification for buying the roses).

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