Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Las Vegas Home Prices Plummet, Las Vegas Billboard Images-Collector Series, Poll Results.

Please click on images to enlarge.

A Few more of the extremely important Collectors Limited Edition Series of Las Vegas Billboard Memorabilia soon to be available in near sofa size framed, signed and numbered, glossy or matt prints at unreasonable (to some) prices for your continuing enjoyment!
However, not easier than L.E. thinks!L.E. believes this to be inarguable
(and adds "or break" between "make" and "the").
WARNING.Remember, most Poll respondents concluded Roberto's food to be inedible!

Sir Galahad's Closure:

L.E. Fant received correspondence from Michael Kennedy, Director of Food & Beverage, Excalibur Hotel Casino Las Vegas after L.E. communicated his horror and extreme disappointment that the fabulous restaurant had closed.

Mr. Kennedy mentioned that the property is "serving the same delicious prime rib" from its "open kitchen" at the Steakhouse at Camelot.

(Visit us on the web:

L.E. shall attend the Camelot Steakhouse with an open mind and report his findings.


L.E. purchased new data storage for his aging computer together with a USB 2.o adaptor (so he may download magnificent large scale images for his readers' pleasure with greater speed) and a new wireless router to replace his existing 5 year old and now outmoded router.

Of course there were (actually still are) problems with these changes. The USB card went in easily and immediately worked as it should without tedious configurations. "Hooray" said L.E. as he fitted the new hard drive under the existing small capacity one. He found that this job will be a breeze as there was an existing data cable which had provision for the second drive and a second power cable.

These cables were merely available to entice the inexperienced into believing this may be an easy job. L.E. connected the cables and booted up (tech term-not literal) his computer. He was chagrined to find a black screen which demanded he insert a boot disc-not the lovely blue Windows welcome. As he has no memory of where this allusive "boot disc" may be he needed plan two.

After contemplation and reviewing the unused yet similar looking cable which was supplied with the new hard drive he decided that to cover as many bases as possible he should use that cable (perhaps a few pins which puncture the ribbon are strategically missing which may make some difference he thought).

Not so easy as to use the cable as instructed (first old drive then new, or the converse) L.E. had to remove both hard drives and transpose their positions with the bowels of his computer.

Having attended to this surgery L.E. re-booted the beast and all was well-blue screen straight into Windows. A little more effort yielded recognition of the new drive.

All that remained was for L.E. to add the new wireless router. Upon advise from a sage friend who has knowledge of these matters L.E. had chosen a different brand of router. This new router promised easy installation and came with a CD with which to quickly configure the set-up and be back on the Internet.

That failed. No Internet was available for L.E. Believing the problem to likely be his modem L.E. spent considerable time finding a telephone to connect to the DSL line at the modem to prove it had signal. It did.

Now a two hour phone conversation with an Embarq technical support agent who was very difficult to hear as apparently (he said) the headset provided did not suit the size of his head and, therefore, the microphone was not adjacent to his mouth). After swapping cables of various colors and cycling on and off machines-nothing. Next we did various configs and removed new router programs-nothing. Now we re-installed the old router-it worked. Next we did things which apparently proved that the Embarq modem was still a fine piece of equipment and was definitely not the cause of L.E.'s lack of internet access.

The Embarq man told L.E. that he was only concerned that Embarq was holding up its end of the bargain and that L.E. now need call the support people for the router.

L.E. is yet to do that and is today using the "old" router to write this. He needs to recuperate before setting off on another such journey into the nether worlds of IT.


Respondents were 50% -50% regarding which has the most fat, McDonald’s hamburger or D.Q.’s fudge sundae. [For comparison L.E. chose D.Q.’s “medium” size sundae].

A McDonald’s hamburger provides one with 250 calories and contains 9gm total fat (3.5 gm saturated fat).

A medium D.Q. fudge sundae provides 440 calories, contains 15 gm of total fat (11gms saturated fat).

These figures are taken from the nutritional information provided by McDonald’s and Dairy Queen on their respective web sites.

These amounts are interesting if one is attempting to consume 1800-2000 calories per day. E.G. approximately 9.5 burgers will provide one’s daily target calorie intake or 4 sundaes.

Las Vegas leads nation's (actually of the 10 cities for which results are tabulated) home price slump.

Yes again we lead the Nation - with the largest home price devaluation. According to today’s F.T. our homes' worth have depleted a further, whopping 22.8 percent during the past year alone!

L.E. reiterates his opinion that this disaster (for us homeowners) was caused, in large part, by avaricious bankers who we (as taxpayers) are now bailing out. Even with this miserable result, some still believe fervently in self regulation of such industries. Ask your Presidential candidate his or her opinion.

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