Thursday, April 24, 2008

Las Vegas Old School Motel Collector Series Images.

click on images to enlarge. The famous Bonanza Motel was not located at the Ponderosa as many believed but here in Las Vegas!
The Walden is adjacent to...?
Most believe that Roberto's Taco Shop provides food which is inedible. This is in accord with L.E.'s finding and may well be taken as a warning.
Bank of America Reports 77% decline in profit as provisions for credit losses climb. [F.T. 4/22/08].

Hillary Clinton, after big win warns Iran we will "obliterate Iran" when asked about a possible Iranian nuclear assault on Israel.

L.E. ponders whether her style of rhetoric will enhance the U.S.'s image or further harm it. Also whether such talk makes Hillary's ambition less or more credible with voters.

Only one Presidential candidate appears to have a proper grasp of how the U.S. should engage middle east nations according to L.E.

Ex U.S. Army engineer arrested for providing Israeli diplomat with nuclear and weapons information. [F.T. 4/23/08].


Today L.E. received three copies of the Financial Times. One of Monday's edition, one of Tuesday's edition and one for today.

In L.E.'s opinion the best news contained therein was an advertisement for men's shirts from a London based quality shirt maker whereby one may purchase four shirts for $200.

OIL PRICES TOY WITH $120 per barrel as Dollar falters:

Some expect $200 soon. As the summer season approaches it appears likely that $4.00 per gallon is very likely here in Las Vegas.


Perhaps the recent publication of L.E's fabulous risotto and curry recipes have created a run on rice as his readers prepare those recipes for their grateful families and friends?

Many Chinese restaurants in San Francisco and indeed around the world are hoarding rice as the prices continue to rise on world markets. Rice has risen around 50% in the past month or so and may continue to become more expensive.

1 comment:

SRW said...

Consider Ron Paul as well as Nader.